This tag will show the description

    This tag will show the description of your blog if the current page is home page, or show the description of post if its type is static_page or item To change the description for home page, access Settings / Search preferences. one Meta tags section, click Edit link on Description field, check Yes at Enable search description? option. Then input your blog description and click Save changes. To input the description for your post, before publish a post, look on right side, you will see Search Description option, click and input the snippet for the post.

Bilad Alrafidain University College

This tag will show the description of your blog if the current page is home page, or show the description of post if its type is static_page or item To change the description for home page, access Settings / Search preferences. one Meta tags section, click Edit link on Description field, check Yes at Enable search description? option. Then input your blog description and click Save changes. To input the description for your post, before publish a post, look on right side, you will see Search Description option, click and input the snippet for the post.
